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On View: Ephraim Rubenstein’s Wax-Resist Drawings

Ephraim Rubenstein is exhibiting wax-resist drawings with David Dodge Lewis in The Quickening Image, which opens at Maurine Littleton Gallery[1] (Washington, DC), on April 12. “Wax-resist drawing is a layered, large-scale, mixed-media approach that utilizes wax as a resist for subsequent ink and charcoal washes. It incorporates both wet and dry materials, as well as linear and painterly elements. The process allows for carefully rendered passages alongside more spontaneous and chaotic applications.” A reception is scheduled for May 5, from 6 to 8 p.m., during the Book Hill Spring Art Walk. The exhibition continues through May 27, 2017.


ephraim Rubenstein quickening image[2]
Ephraim Rubenstein, Paestum II, 2006, graphite, wax, charcoal, ink, Conte, pastel and Nu-pastel on paper, 50 x 38 in.
  1. Maurine Littleton Gallery: http://www.littletongallery.com
  2. [Image]: https://asllinea.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/stacks_image_7329.jpg