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John A. Parks’ Universal Principles of Art

John A. Parks Universal Principles of Art [1]

Last November painter John A. Parks published Universal Principles of Art: 100 Key Concepts for Understanding, Analyzing, and Practicing Art[1], an elegantly-designed compendium of “one hundred principles, fundamental ideas and approaches to making art, that will guide, challenge and inspire any artist to make better, more focused art.” The writing is simple, clear English with each chapter remaining brief enough to be read in a few minutes. In all it gives a solid overview of the world of art and art making. You can view a few sample pages on ambiguity[2], cubism[3], and the emotive object[4].

  1. Universal Principles of Art: 100 Key Concepts for Understanding, Analyzing, and Practicing Art: http://www.amazon.com/Universal-Principles-Art-Understanding-Practicing/dp/1631590308
  2. ambiguity: https://asllinea.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/ambiguity.pdf
  3. cubism: https://asllinea.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/CUBISM.pdf
  4. emotive object: https://asllinea.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/EMOTIVE-OBJECT.pdf